Using AWS S3 on a Vercel-hosted NextJS app
Volunteer's view of QCon San Francisco 2023
My first QCon a year later
Cloud, the real cost
Cloud, benefits of using it
Cloud Computing
The risk of Silos within Tech Teams
CSS, a vast and unknown universe
AI, the present and future of Software Development
A world beyond frameworks?
CSS Encapsulation
[Medium] Web Components: Ionic
[Medium] Web Components: LWC, Stencil, and Lit by Numbers
[Medium] Why Should I Learn About Web Components?
[DEV Community] Multi Slots in Angular?
[Medium] Exploring the Front-end Ecosystems by Numbers
[Medium] Jamstack? An Architecture to Consider for your Website
[DEV Community] Adding a Component to Angular Forms WITHOUT Modifying it
[DEV Community] How to Make a Component Compatible with Angular Forms?
[Medium] Why Should I Care About Semantic HTML?
[Medium] Camera access with Angular
[Deloitte Spain] Clean Architecture